Google uses the information shared by sites and apps to deliver our services, maintain and improve them, develop new services, measure the effectiveness of ...
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This is a contract mandated by data privacy laws that guarantees that they process personal data of our website visitors only based on our instructions and in ...
In the Good Investing privacy policy informs you about our data protection. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
This is a contract mandated by data privacy laws that guarantees that they process personal data of our website visitors only based on our instructions and in ...
27.02.2021 · This HL-PIVOT network position statement provides a current synopsis of the major focus areas of the network, including leading research in the ...
15.03.2022 · Objective: This study aims to assess and compare the readability and content quality of web-based information on COVID-19 vaccination posted on ...
ABSTRACT. Research has shown that people are generally unaware of what information manufacturers gather and store about them via their IoT-devices.
BIG has grown organically over the last two decades from a founder, to a family, to a force of 700. Our latest transformation is the BIG LEAP: Bjarke Ingels ...
21.03.2024 · Current approaches and opportunities for data space initiatives in Brazil: Structural conditions for the development of Data Spaces in Brazil: ...
Google Inc. (2022, December 15). Privacy Policy. Privacy & Terms. https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=en-US. Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act, 106–102, Senate ...